Are the bags under your eyes making you look tired, stressed or older than you actually are? The area of delicate skin below the eye that extends from the inner corner to the outer corner is known as the tear trough. As we age, it’s not uncommon for this area to appear dark or hollow, often resulting under-eye bags. In many cases, women are able to conceal these with cosmetics. If they are so severe that makeup isn’t enough or you just want to be rid of them, there is a non-surgical tear trough treatment that can significantly reduce or eliminate them. This is accomplished by injecting fillers into the area. To better understand how tear trough treatment works, it helps to learn what causes under eye bags to form.
Cause of Unsightly Tear Troughs
Lack of sleep or excessive stress can cause dark or puffy under eye bags at any age. Once the stress is relieved and you’ve gotten the proper amount of rest, they will disappear. Unfortunately, age and sometimes heredity can lead to more permanent darkening or hollowing out of the tear troughs. This normally begins around the age of thirty-five.
The delicate skin below the eye is more susceptible to sun damage, which can cause fine lines and wrinkles to develop. This is often accentuated by a gradual decrease in the fatty tissue in the area along with the loss of elasticity in the lower eyelid muscle. The onset of these changes will vary in different individuals and can also be impacted by smoking, skincare and body weight. All of these factors can contribute to the natural depression of tear trough becoming puffy and resulting in under eye bags.
Tear Trough Treatment
Many people decide to simply live with under-eye bags, thinking plastic surgery is the only option. Significantly improving this issue doesn’t mean you have to go under the knife. Tear trough treatment with dermal filler can be very effective and produce long lasting results. Using tiny injections of a hyaluronic acid dermal filler such as Juvederm Volbella or Vollure, the tear trough depression is gently filled. This gives it a smoother, healthier look by removing the hollowness and shadowing that creates the dark “circles” under the eyes.
The hyaluronic acid in these dermal fillers is a natural form of sugar which is found in our skin, joints, and tissues. It binds with water to plump and hydrate skin, making it healthier and younger looking. Hyaluronic acid can be found in various skin care products which hydrate the surface of your skin. To achieve results that sculpt the skin, the hyaluronic acid must be injected.
What to Expect
With any treatment or procedure, pain is always one of the main concerns. While everyone’s threshold is different, tear trough treatment is very well tolerated. The area to be treated is first cleaned and a numbing agent is applied. Some fillers, such as Juvederm Vollure, contain a small amount of lidocaine which also helps to reduce any discomfort.
The filler is injected with a cannula, which is much gentler than a traditional needle and greatly reduces the risk of swelling or bruising. Most people find it much easier than they expected, experiencing only a small pinch and sometimes mild discomfort with minimal downtime. The results are immediate and continue to improve during the week following the treatment. While results typically last from 1-2 years, they are not permanent and their duration can vary for different individuals.
Tear Trough Treatment at Vive
Our philosophy on facial aesthetics is to enhance one’s natural beauty and to refresh the soul. We understand that undergoing any type of aesthetic treatment can be a big step. At Vive Aesthetics and Wellness, from the moment you enter our office, our goal is to put you at ease and make the experience as comfortable as possible.
We are proud to provide tear trough treatments using Juvederm Volbella or Juvederm Vollure. If you’d like to learn more and find out if it’s right for you, schedule a consultation today!