Have you noticed that your once smooth, radiant cheeks have lost their natural glow? Whether it is due to aging or environmental factors, dull, uneven skin texture and tone can make you look and feel older than you are. You have probably tried every moisturizer on the market, only to be disappointed with the lackluster results. However, don’t give up. Juvederm has added a new skin revitalization treatment to the extensive line of aesthetics. Skinvive focuses on skin hydration, helping to correct uneven skin tone and restore its natural vibrancy. Let’s learn more about this recently FDA-approved injectable skin hydration treatment.
What is Skinvive?
Produced under the Juvederm umbrella, Skinvive is different from conventional fillers that are designed to restore volume and augment facial features, changing the contour of the face. Skinvive, however, is more of a “skin booster” that enhances the appearance and quality of your skin. It is designed to capitalize on the ability of hyaluronic acid to attract moisture, thereby enhancing hydration and improving skin texture.
Unlike traditional fillers which are injected into the dermis to compensate for volume loss, Skinvive is administered via superficial droplet injections, targeting only the epidermis, or the outer layer of the skin. Once introduced to the skin, it distributes uniformly, forming a smooth layer. It’s important to note that Skinvive does not contribute to increased volume and, consequently, does not alter the contours of the face.
Expected Results and Longevity
Skinvive provides a radiant, “well-rested” appearance, reminiscent of a full night’s sleep and optimal daily water intake. It’s the go-to solution for those seeking the fresh, glowing look of someone who didn’t stay up late watching television or scrolling through social media. The results of this groundbreaking treatment are not only impressive but long-lasting. In clinical trials, the improved skin tone and smoothness of participants’ cheeks typically lasted for six months. The effectiveness of the treatment can be enhanced by following a proper skincare regime.
What About Downtime?
With Skinvive there is virtually no downtime. Some patients have experienced minor swelling and redness at the injection site which dissipates quickly. After treatment, you can immediately return to most normal daily activities. However, you should refrain from intense exercise, makeup, and sun exposure for the first 24 hours following treatment.
Ideal Candidates
Those individuals who are noticing a decline in the evenness, hydration, and overall quality of their skin are prime candidates for Skinvive. Whether it’s due to aging, environmental factors, or lifestyle, Skinvive can offer a rejuvenating boost, especially to those who prefer a treatment that doesn’t alter facial structures but enhances the natural beauty of the skin.
Skinvive should not be used by individuals with severe allergies to lidocaine and gram-positive bacterial proteins or with a history of anaphylaxis.
Skinvive at Vive Aesthetics and Wellness
Vive Aesthetics and Wellness is excited to introduce Skinvive to our extensive range of aesthetic treatments. By focusing on enhancing the skin’s inherent qualities rather than altering facial structures, Skinvive provides a refreshing and nuanced approach to aesthetic enhancement.
At Vive, our philosophy on facial aesthetics is to enhance one’s natural beauty while refreshing the soul. We are passionate about offering state-of-the-art solutions to our clients, allowing them to feel and look their best. Offering this revolutionary skin hydration treatment is a testament to our commitment to providing innovative, top-quality services to our clients.
Our trained and experienced team is dedicated to delivering personalized care, ensuring that each client’s unique needs and aesthetic goals are met with precision and expertise. To decide if Skinvive or any of the Juvederm injectables are right for you, schedule a consultation. During your consultation, we will assess your needs, explain your options, and decide which aesthetic treatment is the right choice to achieve your desired results.