Concerned about Dermaplaning – Clearing up Common Misconceptions

If you’re a fan of exfoliation treatments or tired of dealing with annoying peach fuzz, you may be on the hunt for a more effective treatment. Dermaplaning could be the solution. You may have heard of it or maybe even considered dermaplaning but were discouraged by the various misconceptions circulating around the procedure. Understanding how the procedure works and separating fact from fiction should address any concerns you have and might encourage you to take advantage of the benefits dermaplaning offers.  

How it Works

Dermaplaning is an exfoliation procedure that requires the use of a sterile, surgical scalpel. The scalpel is used to gently graze the skin’s surface. This removes the upper layer of dead skin and peach fuzz. The procedure takes thirty minutes or less and requires no downtime. The procedure is only meant to be used on the face and shouldn’t be used to shape the eyebrows, which are terminal hair as opposed to the peach fuzz which is vellus hair.

Dermaplaning Myths

Dermaplaning is painful. While it’s understandable that the thought of a scalpel on the skin could create some concerns, the procedure is painless. Feather-light strokes of the scalpel simply remove dead skin and peach fuzz and cause no pain or abrasion. Dermaplaning is safe for all skin types but should be avoided if you have moderate to severe acne. Dermaplaning on the uneven surface of acne could result in tiny incisions and potentially spread bacteria.

Dermaplaning can cause breakouts. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Exfoliating and removing that layer of dead skin can actually help your skin stay clearer and more radiant. Dermaplaning helps alleviate congestion of the skin’s pores, allowing for skincare products to be better absorbed and reduce or prevent breakouts.

After dermaplaning, the hair will grow back thicker and darker. This also isn’t true and a  misconception is common among those considering dermaplaning for the first time. The peach fuzz or vellus hair will grow back the same thickness and color. Dermaplaning doesn’t change the structure of the hair follicle. After the procedure, the hair will begin to grow back with a blunt edge, making it feel thicker when you touch it. Also, your skin will be brighter, so the regrowth may appear darker in comparison. Once the hair has fully grown back in, it will look and feel exactly the same as before dermaplaning.  

You can do dermaplaning at home. While this may be true and in-home dermaplaning tools are sold over-the-counter, DIY dermaplaning is not recommended. It requires a very delicate and skilled touch that can only be achieved by a trained professional. The technique is significantly different from using a conventional razor. Attempting to perform the procedure yourself will be less effective and could result in injury.

Professional Dermaplaning Benefits

Dermaplaning removes the upper layer of dead skin which, in turn, triggers cells to regenerate. This creates a brighter complexion and allows skin care products to be more effective. Dermaplaning can be used in conjunction with chemical peels to further enhance results. Unlike other exfoliation procedures such as microdermabrasion, dermaplaning also removes peach fuzz, leaving you with a smooth, radiant complexion. The procedure can be performed monthly.

Vive Weight Loss and Medical Aesthetics offers professional dermaplaning in addition to their wide variety of other aesthetic services. At Vive, our goal is to help you look your very best and ensure your experience with us is as relaxing and comfortable as possible. To learn more about our dermaplaning and other services and find out which one is right for you, schedule a consultation today!