Build your butt,
Sculpt your abs.
EMSCULPT is the next step towards the future of non-invasive body shaping and the world’s only non-surgical procedure to efficiently build your muscles! This exciting technology lifts, fills and firms the buttocks and tones the abdomen. This procedure is perfect for those who wish to enhance their physique beyond what is achievable in the gym.
Studies have shown that using Emsculpt results in:
- Average fat reduction 19%
- Average increase in muscle mass 16%
- Average patient satisfaction 96%
EMSCULPT can activate muscles in ways that the body simply cannot through exercise alone!
Our Procedure
- World’s only procedure that simultaneously addresses both muscle & fat
- Non-invasive butt lift
- Defines abs and trims waist
- No needles, no downtime
- Great for athletes and bodybuilders who cannot achieve muscles past a certain degree.
- EMSCULPT takes your body to the next level and targets long-elusive muscles
EMSCULPT Technology
Emsculpt uses High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) technology. This technology induces supramaximal muscle contractions not achievable through voluntary contractions such as crunches. HIFEM technology can approximately induce 20,000 forced contractions per session – no butts about it!! When muscles are exposed to these strong contractions they begin to undergo remodeling leading to an increase in muscle density and muscle volume, otherwise known as muscle hypertrophy. Imagine a more athletic, defined shape!
How Does It Work?
Non-Invasive, No Surgery, and No Anesthesia
Skin, fat, and muscle form your overall body appearance. The non-invasive HIFEM procedure induces powerful muscle contractions not achievable through voluntary contractions.
When exposed to these contractions, the skin remains unaffected while the energy penetrates to fat and muscle layers. The muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such extreme condition.
The body responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure that results in muscle building and sculpting your body.
What Does It Feel Like?
The EMSCULPT treatment feels like an intensive workout.
Patients can lay down and relax and allow the technology to do all of the work during each session – no crunches, no squats necessary! Imagine a high-intensity workout without the sweat!!
Results and
- 16% average increase in muscle
- 19% average reduction in fat
- 4 cm (1.5 inches) loss in waistline circumference
- 5 x increase in fat metabolism
- 11% reduction in abdominal muscle separation
Diastasis Recti
Studies have suggested that EMSCULPT can help improve Diastatsis Recti. If you are someone dealing with this condition please call our office for an assessment.
Buttock Lifting
EMSCULPT And CoolSculpting
For non-surgical fat removal, CoolSculpting is our gold-standard and we would recommend it to anyone who is seeking to eliminate unwanted body fat in stubborn areas of the body. But when it comes to toning and shaping the muscles, EMSCULPT is the solution for perfecting the abdomen and lifting the butt. If you are looking for the total body “do-over” pairing EMSCULPT post CoolSculpting is a fabulous treatment combination that will address body fat, muscle growth, tone, and shape – the trifecta of body shaping! impact my health any longer. I am happy to say that I have achieved that and so much more!”
Reals Patients and Real Confidence
Learn what these patients thought of their EMSCULPT experience as well as their physical and mental transformations.