Tear troughs, more commonly known as under-eye bags, can make you look tired and older than you actually are. For some people, dark or hollow tear troughs are simply a result of being stressed or over-tired. Once they relax and are well-rested, those unsightly bags disappear. Unfortunately, for others, no matter what they do, those bags are still there. Even make-up won’t completely hide them. Not to worry, there is a nonsurgical option to reduce or even eliminate them. Tear trough injections are a non-invasive solution for under-eye bags. They can give you a younger, fresher look without having to endure surgery and a sometimes painful and lengthy recovery period.
What Causes Tear Troughs?
Persistent or permanently dark tear troughs are often the result of heredity or aging. Unfortunately, just getting a good night’s sleep won’t get rid of them. While they can occur in both the young and the old, it is common for them to develop when entering our mid to late thirties. With aging, there is a natural loss of elasticity in the muscle under the eye which can cause the tear troughs to become hollow and appear dark. The skin below the eye is very delicate, making it more susceptible not only to the effects of aging but also to outside influences such as sun damage, smoking, and improper skin care. All of this can lead to the tear troughs becoming puffy and creating under-eye bags.
Tear Trough Injections
While under-eye surgery can correct under-eye bags, tear trough injections are a non-invasive and effective option. They can significantly improve the appearance of under-eye bags without surgery and little or no recovery time. So how will you know if tear trough injections are right for you? The first step is to schedule a consultation with your physician or medical aesthetician. If they determine you are a good candidate for tear trough injections, here is what to expect.
The area to be treated is first cleaned and a numbing agent is applied. Then the filler is injected with a cannula, which is much gentler than a traditional needle. The dermal fillers commonly used for tear trough injections contain hyaluronic acid. It is a natural form of sugar that is found in our skin, joints, and tissues. The hyaluronic acid binds with water to plump and hydrate skin, making it healthier and younger-looking. Although it can be found in many skincare products, hyaluronic acid must be injected to effectively sculpt the skin.
There may be some discomfort during the injection. In addition to the topical numbing agent, some fillers also contain lidocaine to help relieve any discomfort you may experience. The cannula used for the injection greatly reduces the risk of swelling or bruising. Most patients only experience a small pinch and occasionally mild discomfort with minimal downtime. Initial results are immediately visible and continue to improve throughout the week following the injection. The results of tear trough injections are not permanent and normally last 1-2 years. It is important to keep in mind that everyone responds differently and the duration of the results can vary.
Tear Trough Injections At Vive
Our philosophy on facial aesthetics is to enhance one’s natural beauty and to refresh the soul. We understand that undergoing any type of aesthetic treatment can be a big step. At Vive Aesthetics and Wellness, from the moment you enter our office, our goal is to put you at ease and make the experience as comfortable as possible.
We are proud to provide tear trough treatments using Juvederm Volbella or Juvederm Vollure. If you’d like to learn more and find out if it’s right for you, schedule a consultation today!