Summer Skin Care Tips – Soaking Up the Sun Can Cause Premature Aging

 In Blog, Skin Care

 Many people bask in the sun to achieve a golden tan and that sun-kissed glow. However, overexposure to the sun can lead to permanent damage such as wrinkles, discoloration, and even skin cancer. When we’re born, our skin is unblemished, wrinkle-free with great tone and elasticity. It typically retains this appearance throughout our youth. By the time we reach our mid-twenties, the first signs of aging may begin to become evident. This is a result of the natural internal aging process as well as external causes. There are important summer skin care tips that can help to prevent the sun from speeding up the natural aging of your skin.

The Natural Aging Process

While aging of the skin is only apparent on the surface, it affects all layers of the skin. The surface or epidermal layers of the skin experience a reduction in hyaluronic acid content and sebum production. There is also slower cell turnover. The result is dryer, rougher skin with increased sensitivity to the sun and the decreased ability to heal itself.

Around age 25, the production of collagen begins to decrease, approximately 1% per year. Collagen is a key part of the skin’s structure. It’s decline, combined with a reduction in functional elastin, has a negative impact on the dermal layers of the skin. Fine lines and wrinkles will begin to appear. As the skin continues to mature, it weakens and the capillaries begin to collapse. This reduces circulation, which delivers nutrients and oxygen to the skin’s surface. 

In the subdermal layers of the skin, specifically the adipose layer, lipid storing cells are reduced. This results in a loss of volume which can lead to sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and hollow cheeks. Hormonal changes and genetics also factor into the natural aging of your skin. 

Oxidative stress is the main external cause that is triggered by pollution, smoking, and the biggest offender, the sun.

Summer Skin Care Tips

To help keep the skin’s natural aging process moving at a snail’s pace, you should take good care of your skin all year long. However, when the warmer weather arrives, there are summer skin care tips that can help prevent premature aging.

Sunscreen – This is extremely important in guarding against the sun’s rays. However, you need to be sure you’re using the right sunscreen. It should have an SPF of 30 or above and be a broad-spectrum sunscreen that effectively blocks the sun’s UVA rays. The UVA ray can cause dark spots, premature aging, and even skin cancer. Find a sunscreen with these elements and apply it frequently. You may want to consider using a moisturizer or other cosmetics that include an SPF.

Stay in the shade – You can still enjoy the warmth of the summer and protect your skin by soaking up some shade instead. That doesn’t mean you have to find a shady spot and stay there. You can take your shade with you by wearing protective clothing. A wide-brimmed hat or sun-blocking clothing that has a UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) rating such as Coolibar and others.

Refrain from constant showering – We just naturally shower more in the summer. Between the beach, the pool, and summer workouts, it’s inevitable that you’ll often end up showering more than once a day. That’s okay, but keep them short, 4 to 5 minutes, and refrain from using excessively hot water. Too much time in the shower can over-dry your skin.

Limit exposure during peak hours – The sun is at its strongest between 10 am and 4 pm. You can protect your skin by avoiding prolonged exposure during these times. Try to conduct as many of your outdoor activities before or after the height of the day. 

Remember to hydrate – Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated is important all year long for our overall health. Staying hydrated in the summer can help your skin retain its elasticity, keeping skin supple.

Your Best Skin All Year Long

 These summer skin care tips can protect your skin and keep it looking its best all year. At Vive Aesthetics and Wellness, we offer treatments and products to help your combat sun damage. In addition to SkinMedica, we also offer Obagi medical-grade skin care products, some of which have an SPF of 50. Our services also include a variety of other skincare treatments such as PicoSure Laser to minimize the signs of premature aging from sun exposure. Schedule a consultation to get your summer skin care on track and keep it there all year long.


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