Typical side effects patients experience after Kybella in Marlton are redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection sites. These symptoms are temporary and typically resolve within 2 to 3 days. Numbness is also a very common side effect that typically resolves itself within 4 to 8 weeks. Please report to your practitioner immediately if you develop an asymmetric smile, facial muscle weakness, or skin ulcers in the treatment area; if you have difficulty swallowing; or if any existing symptom worsens. These very rare side effects could indicate a more significant health issue.
Sculpt Your Jawline
Kybella in Marlton
- Consultation Required? Yes
- Treatment Type Injectable
- Downtime None
- Duration of results Permanent

Easily Remove Stubborn Fat
One of the hardest places to lose fat is in the submental (chin) area. But with Kybella in Marlton, you can achieve your face sculpting goals with our team at Vive Aesthetics & Wellness.
Double chin
Stubborn submental fat